
Gluckhaus Board

Another Project I've worked on for the Scarlet Onagers Guild is an original graphic for a Gluckhaus game board. Gluckhaus, or Lucky Pig, is a traditional English and German Game from hundreds of years ago.

The game board can be created with playing cards or drawn in the dirt with a stick, but having an already printed game is easier for new users to keep the pieces in order. Along with the board, the game utilizes two dice and a variety of game pieces, traditionally small coins. The game is purely of chance, but plays well as a drop-in, drop-out game typical of street gambling games. This translates well into a party game played with pennies or chips.

Where To Get a Game

The game is fairly wide spread across Renaissance Faires far and wide. If you want a copy of a game board and rules, it can be easily found online... but the far more exciting way to obtain this game is to head to your local Renaissance Faire this summer and ask around. You'll be helping out a small group of vendors and you'll see many exciting things as well.

Check out the Scarlet Onagers and their new game board on their Facebook Page.

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