None of the graphics from the Bellingham Game Company (click to see facebook) are mine, so I won't be posting them on this blog, but I truly do enjoy working with our graphic design partner on concept, digitizing, and knowing when to stop. One of the hardest parts of graphic design sometimes is knowing when to call a project done. Constant tweaking of an image or vector can make someone crazy. I have a person in my life that peers over my shoulder and says "What are you doing? No one else will be that zoomed in..." and I enjoy being that person for others.
My Role Is Not Graphics
While I love working on my own stuff, like I said mostly text and typography, that sort of graphic stuff is handled in the company by someone far better than I could ever be, from concept to sketch to digitize to finalize for print. My role in the company is more promotional, networking, and office management.I quite enjoy this side as it allows me to focus on typography, terminology, and networking. It also allows me a lot of "office" time for researching all of the tips and tricks of advertising, networking, acquisition, and related tasks. If I love anything more than graphics, of which I truly do appreciate more than create, it is learning and then implementing what I've learned.
Do What Makes You Happy
I am hoping this helps me come up with new sayings and catch phrases for this Red Press project I'm working on now, but I won't be constantly updating. I'll post graphics here with their inspirations, but only things that I feel I'd wear on clothes or my phone case will be posted for Red Press. It's all good if no one but me ever purchases things from the artist shop, but I hope the random explanations I post here really do help inspire others to do what makes them happy.Sometimes what makes you happy are the things you do without thinking about it. The sayings you live your life by and repeat to others. Fix up a graphic of your happiness and post it for others to see. Start a blog of your favorite photos. Start a shop of your best drawings and artwork. Join a fair or market with your crafts.
Advice, Business & Sharing Your Stuff
I have another blog in the works that will focus on building a small business or utilizing a sole proprietorship -- much of my little "nickle & dime up" hobbies will go there -- but many are related to artwork and crafts of a wide variety. Once it's a little more established, I may throw a link in here when there's an artwork related business post. However, feel free to message me or comment if you have specific questions. I may even turn it into a post on this or another blog that it fits better.I'm always up to swap stories, look at your site, and give any advice about the business side of hobbies, and I have resources and references I used to learn all of these things in case I can't answer a question myself. I feel that it's better to say "let's find out together" if I don't know how to answer something or know I'm bias on a topic.
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