
There is No "Marriage" in Board Games!

Game Night

My family is incredibly into Game Night. Even as most of us are adults, we routinely schedule weekly game nights. Bringing new friends, and even a couple spouses into the routine, we've had to explain many a house rule. The main of such rules routinely yelled across the table is "There is no marriage in board games!" or, similarly, "There is no marriage in card games!"

Whether we're playing our vicious version of full-blood Settlers of Catan or fighting across a lively game of Skip-bo. Casual game play is everything but casual to our family: there's excitement, loud debates that end in giggles and shoulder slaps, and always an abundance of snacks. One thing is not present though: the link of marriage that may get you to side with a spouse or plead the fifth for a spouse on a rule debate or similar argument.

And it is true, isn't it? In a game, all wits are about, and friends & family become either adversaries or partners. During the game, it is all about the game: employ strategies, make and break pacts, and do your best to win. Just remember, even in marriage: No one wants your flock of sheep!

Marriage Goals

Do you need a shirt to remind your spouse that all is fair in love and games? You can purchase one now from RedPress.threadless.com if needed. Another possibility would be to purchase a throw pillow in order to gently beat some sense into them betwixt rounds.

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