
Just Business

With prices of goods going up so much faster than wages, sometimes it's hard to remember: it's just business.

Inspiration For Design

I have a few businesses and hobbies where I have sole responsibility or share the responsibility in setting prices. This is hard to do, and sometimes it means dropping a product in it's conception phase. All these ideas of things I want to create and put out there are just not within my reach for price-points anyone (including me) is willing to pay.

Business Motivations

I can't imagine how some small businesses keep their storefronts open, the lights on, the insurance paid, and the employees happy: I appreciate and envy them for figuring it out and making it work. I'm a fan of low profit margins in my own businesses, and that comes from my personal motivations more than anything else.

All businesses I have my hand in are low-overhead and efficient by design. I attempt to keep material costs proficiently balanced in terms of quality and cost, then I add a small percentage for my time and effort. I like the extra money -- don't get me wrong -- but I'm much more motivated by the knowledge products I had a hand in are out there, being used and appreciated. It still costs money though: materials, equity tied up in stock on hand, storage space until it is ordered, shipping costs, booth & storefront fees, perks for employees or volunteers. I'm willing to take the cut and spend the time; whatever it takes to get it out there!

It is, at the end of the day, just business. Sometimes business costs a pretty penny, and we should remember that. That small business owner is just trying to keep the doors open and feed the family.

Want to have this printed on a sign, shirt, or something else? Check out Red Press Print's Artist Shop on Threadless.

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