
Warning: I Will Fact Check You

With our current political, media, and social network climates: fact checking is paramount.
I love playing the fact check game. It's quite simple really: find the source closest to primary, check and adjust for bias, and when possible use multiple separate sources. Numbers, dates, etc. are the easiest to check, but various facts go into forming an educated opinion on each subject.

How Do You Fact Check?

Whether you prefer to play devil's advocate or simply like spreading truth and fact, carry on spreading thoughtful fact checking! Our world needs, now more than ever, to have thoughtful discussions based with sound, agreed-upon premises and accurate, factual data.
This design can be purchased from the RedPress Shop in the form of a sticker, notebook, draw-sting bag, or various apparel. Sip out of a mug with this design as you eye an opinionated fallacy spreader, and start a blooming discussion (company and setting permitting, and always civil, of course).

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